This past weekend, the Generals Wrestling team hosted our annual prospect camp. Starting on Friday evening August 11 and concluding Sunday morning August 13, the camp gave potential future Generals a chance to visit campus and work out with current W&L wrestlers. Over the course three days, campers had four technique, drilling, and live wrestling sessions and two strength/conditioning sessions, as well as numerous presentations from the Washington and Lee community of students, faculty, and staff.

Coach Shearer addresses the group

The camp featured 45 current high school students, representing 17 states. While 10 campers came from Virginia, others came from as far away as Texas (2), Connecticut (3), New Hampshire (1), and Illinois (2). Among current Generals wrestlers, 11 attended the camp for at least part of the weekend, and 8 out of our 9 incoming freshmen were camp attendees.

Just as important, two Washington and Lee alumni brought their sons to camp, and two young alumni from the class of 2008 got an opportunity to speak to the campers about their experiences. Jesse Sataloff ’08, currently the head wrestling coach at Haverford School, and Peter Lawrence ’08 worked with the wrestlers on the mat throughout camp, and spoke to them about their experience at W&L.

Peter Lawrence, class of 2008

Jesse Sataloff, class of 2008


Washington and Lee President Will Dudley


Additional highlights from Camp included President Will Dudley, Dean of College Suzanne Keen, and head of the Environmental Science Department Robert Humston, each of which addressed the campers, giving them their unique perspectives on Washington and Lee.


Question and Answer Session with current W&L wrestlers