Generals finish dual meet season with wins record

The Washington and Lee wrestling team wrapped up the dual meet portion of the 2019-2020 season with three Centennial Conference wins this past weekend in Westminster, MD. The Generals defeated the US Merchant Marine Academy 29-14, Johns Hopkins 35-10, and Ursinus...

Summer Prospect Weekend

  The Generals wrestling team hosted our annual summer Prospect Camp over the August 9-11 weekend. We welcomed over 50 prospective students, including 11 from New York City’s Beat the Streets Wrestling Program. It was a great opportunity to highlight the...

W&L Wrestling 2018-2019 Season Review

The 2018-2019 wrestling season was another successful one for the Generals. Here are some highlights from the season. Check out full season recap below! Finishing in 2nd place in the Centennial Conference, both in conference duals and the individual championship. It...